Add a New Metadata Descriptor

Adding a metadata descriptor is very simple but there are several factors to consider as shown in the image. After creating the schema metadata, the modification page of the schema metadata will be presented. Once the schema has been created, a new record can be created and then associate it with it.

The first thing to do is fill in the following values:

  • Metadata Schema: schema to which the descriptor belongs (See

  • Name: name of the descriptor

    • No empty value

    • Up to 255 characters allowed

  • Description: Description of the descriptor

    • This field is optional

  • IECode: electronic identifier of the descriptor

  • View Order: displays the order of the descriptor

There are other important fields for the new descriptor on the right-hand side.

Metadata Type

The type of value that the descriptor stores.

  • DESCRIPTIVE: for descriptive metadata (these are the most common metadata)

  • TAG: for TAG descriptors and keywords. (Only one TAG type descriptor on the platform is possible)

  • LOCATION: all descriptors that correspond to the record’s location must have this type of metadata

  • TECHNICAL: type of descriptor that stores technical data

  • SYSTEM: for descriptors that store paths and data for viewers

  • CATEGORY: any category related to the displayed object

  • TITLE: descriptor to store the title of records

  • DESCRIPTION: descriptor to keep the description of records

  • THUMBNAIL: associated thumbnails to the displayed record (in the form of linked images)

  • LATLNG: for descriptors that store the record coordinates (useful for geolocation)

  • IDENTIFIER: for descriptors that store unique identifiers of the record

  • YEAR: type of descriptor that stores dates

  • ACCESS_LEVEL: type of descriptor that stores access to the record (There can only be one descriptor of type ACCESS_LEVEL on the platform)

Metadata Data Type

Type of data that is stored in the descriptor.

  • STRING: for descriptors that store a simple string

  • DATE: for descriptors that store dates

  • TIME: for descriptors that store hours, minutes, and seconds

  • DATETIME: for descriptors that store dates and times

  • NUMBER: for descriptors that store simple numbers

  • MARKDOWN: This type of descriptor allows a small code to be rendered as HTML

Markdown Example:

  • URL: [single quotes]( 'Title')

  • IMAGE: ![alt](/md.png "title")

  • ATX HEADING: # h1

Descriptor Parent

If the Descriptor has a parent it can be selected, otherwise, there is no need to modify it.


Option to show or hide the descriptor. If “YES” is selected, this descriptor will be visible in all records.

Linked Field

The descriptor can be converted into a link and then look for the value in the search engine.


If the descriptor has this parameter enabled, the records must have a value in this descriptor.

Hide in IIIF manifest

It gives the option of not showing the descriptor in the manifest.

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