Access Login:

To access the BackOffice it is necessary to have a registered user and then access the login path.

The necessary values to access the system are:

  • Username: registered username.

  • Password: User password associated with the registered username.

If the data entered is correct, the user, depending on the permissions granted, can see more information, records, pages, etc.

Depending on the authentication systems that are active such as SAML / Shibboleth, OAuth, Tequila, etc.

  • SAML: Redirects to a login with SAML where the identifier must match a user registered in OpenAccess.

Note: This must be configured from the configuration file.

Incorrect data entry. In case wrong data is introduced, a maximum number of attempts is limited. If the number of attempts is reached, the IP address will be blocked for a certain time.

IP blocked for a certain time.

After exceeding the maximum number of attempts, the IP will be blocked and a message will be displayed with the remaining time. If the user wants to access before the time limit, they should contact an Administrator.

Last updated