License Management

In this section you will find the administration of everything related to the OpenAccess license, such as uploading a license, seeing the current status of the license and expiration date of the license.

The license will allow the use of the BlackOffice of OpenAccess. All that is needed is a valid license file and upload it and so OpenAccess can be used.

Depending on the type of license, different messages can be presented:

Trial: This is a trial license, possibly for demonstrations of OpenAccess usage. It is not a full license.

Without a valid license: If the license is not valid or no registered licenses are available

Note: Without a license the Worker will not work properly. If the worker does not work the objects will not be indexed in Elasticsearch.

Standard and Valid license: if the license in use is valid, there will be no error messages or any type of notification and the backoffice can be used without any problem.

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