Create a new page

In this view a new page is created and there is only need to choose a:

  • URL: route of the new page.

    • Blank spaces are not allowed.

    • 30 characters (Maximum).

  • Title: Title of the page.

    • 50 characters (Maximum). No empty value.

Content of the new page that will be created:

  • HTML: page content, can be edited with a rich text editor. Here the shortcodes (See 3.6.2) will be placed as well as other information such as: a contact form, a site map, etc.

    • No empty value allowed.

  • Language: language in which the page will be available. (To have different languages, they must be enabled).

  • Published: Show or hide the page.

  • Hidden on Menu: Hide the page in the menu editor. (If the page is not published, it will not appear in the editor).

Selecting SEO view:

The creation of pages also allows how to modify important parameters such as the Meta title and Meta description very important for SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

Last updated