Available tasks

  • Normalize file: Task responsible for converting files to the most common formats for viewing purposes. (This happens when a file has been uploaded to an object and has been decided to normalize it.)

  • Reindex: Task responsible for adding and updating objects in the database to the Elasticsearch index.

  • Extract text: This task comes with the normalizer. It extracts text from a file and creates a useful metadata for universal viewer searches.

  • CSV import: Task that imports csv files that allows to update the language files, objects and others.

  • CSV export: Task that exports csv files that may have information about the objects, language files and others.

    • Note: When the objects are exported, several csv files are created depending on the amount of metadata schema.

  • Delete object: This task is created when deleting an object from the system, it is responsible for removing the object and all its metadata from the database and Elasticsearch.

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