Users Management Total control of all users registered on the platform. This section is very important because it can give access to the BackOffice of OpenAccess or access to certain parts of the interface as it works in conjunction with user roles (See

Main View of Users

This view shows the users registered at this time in the database and also a blacklist of IP addresses that are not allowed access.

Actions at the top:

User: This button redirects to the creation of a new user.

Users list:

  • Username: Current username of the user.

  • Email: Current email of the user.

  • Enabled: User enabled or not. If the user is disabled, it cannot be used.

  • Last modified: Date of the last time the user was modified.

  • Actions:

    • Modify the user

    • Delete it (except for the administrator user)

IP address blacklist:

This view shows the IP address that has tried to log in with error data.

Note: The lock duration and the number of attempts are modified in the configuration system file.

Last updated