Document viewer

View documents in IIIF image format with an image server such as Cantaloupe


The following options are available:

  • Search the document text directly in the viewer:

Searching for a word in the document is easy, by simply entering it in the search engine and the viewer will take care of the rest and will show where the word searched is located.

  • Rotate the IIIF image

The IIIF image can be rotated in several ways (clockwise or counter-clockwise).

  • Zooming in and out

The image is subject to get closer (zoom in) or get farther (zoom out). This can be achieved by either using the mouse wheel or the zoom buttons.

UV options:

  • Top buttons: The buttons at the top allow moving either forward or backward and then go directly to a specific page with the “Go” button.

  • Switch pages: This icon allows to easily switch pages by simply moving it from left to right. (This only works when a search has been performed in the viewer).

  • Full screen option: Switch to full screen (Lower right corner)

  • Download images: Download images of the document in jpg format.

Last updated