Create a preservation area
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In LIBSAFE, it is mandatory to define a preservation plan at the same time as the creation of a preservation area, and this is reinforced by the interface (see specific section for information on what is necessary). It is possible to define a new plan from the preservation area main page, with the button Create new preservation area.
From the practical point of view, the creation of a new preservation area differs from the creation of a preservation plan only in that, in the creation of a preservation area, we request the name for the area to be created and then we configure the preservation plan that is mandated to be associated to it. On the other hand, when we create a preservation plan, the system requests the selection of the area to which it will belong and then we can proceed to the configuration.
The configuration of a preservation plan will be covered in detail in its corresponding section.
Some of the access permissions are associated to preservation areas, such as those related to catalog queries, or ingestion or retrieval job creation, among others.
When creating a new area, we need to define which permissions we are going to assign to the existing user groups. At this point, LIBSAFE offers a series of predefined options:
“None granted”: this area is not associated to any permission.
“Catalog access granted”: access from the catalog is granted to preserved objects under this plan, for all the groups in the User or Preservation Administrator’ categories.
“Catalog and retrieve access granted”: same as the previous one, but granting retrieval as well.
“All permissions granted”: it grants all permissions associated to areas for all the groups in the ‘User or Preservation Administrator’ categories.
“Existing permissions to this area granted”: it grants permissions to this area to those users who already had permission for other areas, that is, if a group has access to area A, area B (which is being created at the same time) will be added. If, conversely, the user has no ingestion access for any area, the permission will neither be activated nor it will be granted for area B.
In any case, after preselecting one of these options, the system offers the possibility to adapt permission grants to the needs of the moment or of the area in question.