Metadata schema editing
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Metadata schema editing is accessible from the main metadata schema screen and from a metadata schema detail.
Besides being able to modify the name of the metadata schema and its status, we can manage the metadata descriptors associated to the metadata schema.
Note: we must take into account that a metadata schema that has already been used in some preservation area for some ingestion process cannot be deleted or have its metadata descriptors edited. The only editing possible for the schema would be of its name, status and the associated import filters.
When we click on the link Add in the related metadata descriptors section, the system will show a form to add the new metadata descriptor to the schema. The following information is requested:
The fields defining a metadata are:
Unicity descriptor: it is used to establish a relation where the metadata acts as an identifier of an object, thus preventing any other object with the same metadata to be preserved in the system.
Versioning descriptor: it is used to establish a relation where the metadata acts as an identifier of an object, causing any other object with the same metadata to be considered a different (and newer) version of the same object.
Mandatory descriptor: it makes metadata mandatory for an object. The non-definition of a mandatory metadata in an object to be ingested will imply the failure of the ingestion process.
Import-export code: it is the code that will be searched in the metadata files of the object under analysis and that will relate it to the name in the system. This piece of data is important for those who want to build his/her own metadata schemas or metadata filters.
Type of metadata: association of the metadata at object, structure, file or folder level. Current LIBSAFE implementations will only contemplate the first case.
Type of metadata data: it lets us set a verification of the metadata format. It can be of the chain, date, time, date and time, or number type.
Parent descriptor: it indicates whether the descriptor being defined is related to another descriptor where the former will be the child of the descriptor to be selected. The goal of this parameter is to allow for metadata hierarchies.
Visualization order: in the schema tables. It is a value that can be repeated.
Metadata are being added to the schema one by one, until we insert all the ones we wished to insert.
Important: in the definition of metadata descriptors, it is very important to keep in mind that the process of importing descriptors from the original metadata files, the search of the ‘iecodes’ (import-export codes) is done strictly, that is, differentiating between uppercase and lowercase.
This screen will also let us delete a metadata schema. Just as in editing, this is only possible if the schema has not been used previously for the ingestion of any object.
Last, we will be able to relate the import filters considered necessary with the metadata schema. Those filters related to the metadata schema will be the ones offered later on to carry out the importing of the object metadata when we configure a preservation plan.