Metadata schema detail
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Metadata schema detail shows its information grouped by sections. It initially shows name, user who created the schema, date and time of creation and its status (active / inactive).
Note: from the metadata schema detail, we can create a new metadata schema based on the current one. We must pay attention, since once we click on the creation link, a new metadata schema is created and such action cannot be reversed.
The Related metadata descriptors section lists the metadata descriptors related to the metadata schema. These descriptors will later on, on being associated to a preservation plan, filter from the metadata file accompanying the object and finally get stored.
The next section shows import filters assigned to the schema. They are the potential filters to be applied to the ingestion to extract metadata from the object.
Note: a metadata filter is a procedure or routine that generates an XML, from which we can extract the metadata defined in the schema. That does not imply that all metadata will necessarily be present, or that the original metadata will be limited to those in the schema.
It shows name, date of creation, whether it will be assigned as the default filter (when configuring a preservation plan) or not, and access to the metadata import filter detail.
Last, the system lists the preservation plans to which the metadata schema has been assigned. It shows name, preservation area, status (active / inactive) and access to the preservation area detail.