Configured alarms
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In this section, the system lists all the applied alarms, as much the general ones as the predefined ones.
Note: the same alarm can be applied multiple times, with different configurations.
The list of configured alarms is similar to that of defined alarms, but showing the instances configured for each alarm. To facilitate the configuration of instances of similar alarms, each instance is accompanied by the Copy to new button that generated a new alarm instance, copying the parameters of the original instance.
Both for editing and detail showing, the parameter fields for an alarm are divided in three blocks:
General parameters. Including:
Alarm name.
Status (active / inactive).
Criticality, which may be Low, Normal, Urgency or Emergency.
Importance, which may be Low, Normal, and High.
Category, which may be of the user, preservation administrator or system administrator kind. This is used to filter what alarms will be shown to users, according to their own category (derived from their user groups).
Check period. Specified with a quantity for days, hours, minutes and seconds; it allows to set how much time the alarm checking process will be run.
User comment: is a file for the user to identify with a descriptive text the instance of the configured alarm. In case this field is not filled in those places where it has to be shown, it will be substituted by the alarm description, followed by a sequential number that indicates the instance of the configured alarm.
Alarm parameters. They are specific of each defined alarm, and reflect relevant data for their execution. For example, for an alarm on closing of ingestion jobs, parameters of related preservation areas and size of the object to ingest are shown. For an alarm on the licensing status, the quantity of used license is shown (in % or absolute number). Depending on the alarm and basically on whether it is a general or simplified use alarm, apart from the editable parameters, there will also be fixed parameters not editable by the user. These are shown for information purposes, which include the better understanding of the alarm configuration. Depending on the kind of each parameter, this will be subject -or not- to some format checking as being a number, a valid percentage, a text, etc.
Notification parameters. They reference the notifications generated by the alarm processing. They are the same for any alarm. In each checking process for an alarm, it may be that the requirements for the notification are met. This notification can be added with the next notifications up to a configurable number and during a period of time. The notification parameters and the rules that apply are:
Message building rule. It sets how the final notification will be built, with each execution of the alarm and until generation of a new notification. The three options are:
Add the notification text for each new execution of the alarm process.
Add the notification text only in the first execution of the alarm process (and until generation of a new notification).
Keep only the text generated in the last execution of the alarm, removing always the previous content.
Maximum number of messages without sending e-mail. It is the maximum number of texts or generated messages (1 for each execution of the alarm) that will be kept or added without sending an e-mail and generating the next new notification. When this number is reached, an e-mail with the complete added-up notification is sent, the notification is kept for the notification panel, and the next alarm execution process generates a new blank notification.
Maximum time without sending e-mail. It is the maximum time during which the alarm processes will not be set for sending and setting for listing the notification that is being generated in the notification panel. Once this time has passed, even though the maximum number of messages without sending e-mail has not been reached, the notification is sent and a new one is built in the next alarm process cycle.
Receiver (user). User to receive the e-mails with the notifications generated by this alarm, and in whose notification panel this will be listed.
Receiver (group). User group to which the notifications will be associated, in such a way that any user belonging to this group will see in his/her notification panel the notifications generated by this alarm.
Can deactivate notification. True or false, this field references the notification panel. Those alarm instances with this field set to false (not checked) will not be able to set the notifications as deactivated, first having to solve the situation that caused them.
E-mail sending deactivates notification. If this option is selected, the sending of an e-mail with the notification text will cause the notification in the panel to show directly as deactivated.
Note: the general parameter section of the alarm does not allow for the editing of the name, description and category, due to the alarms’ own definitions. It is also possible to find uneditable alarm parameters (they are specific to each type of alarm).