Approve evolution jobs selected by the system

With the passing of time or the appearance of new file formats some file formats may end up obsolete or discontinued. LIBSAFE includes an automatic mechanism with which the status of the file formats is periodically checked. When a file format is found in a compromised status, the system will look for the objects with files with such file format and will prompt their evolution.

Even though it is considered there are no obsolete or ‘expired’ file formats used in preservation currently, preloading of evolvers for certain old formats is being contemplated (like, for example, WordPerfect).

In this section it is possible to review the objects that the system has prompted for evolution and to approve its evolution. For that purpose, there is a search form that will use the following fields to filter:

  • Object name

  • LUOI

  • Date of creation from – date of creation to

  • Any metadata value

  • Preservation area and plan: the drop-down menu shown allows for the selection of complete areas, preservation plans or a combination of both

  • Ingestion job

  • Status: filtered by status of the evolution jobs:

    • Mandatory evolution: the file format has become obsolete and needs evolution

    • Recommended evolution: even though the file format may have not become obsolete or expired, its evolution is recommended

    • Pending evolution tool: the object has to be evolved, but the system does not have the necessary evolver yet

    • Queued: evolution approved and waiting to start the evolution job

    • Failed

    • Evolved

    • Discarded: even though the object was marked for evolution initially, the user decided to discard it later on

  • Evolution type: Manual or prompted by the system

  • File formats.

Note: it is the responsibility of the preservation administrator to decide which objects have to be evolved and to approve their evolution. The LIBNOVA consultants are available for any clarification needed.

Once the objects have been filtered, they will be listed in a way that they can be selected as needed. By clicking on Evolve Selected, every object selected for evolution will generate an evolution job.

Another action can be executed from the object list. Said action is Eliminate selected from the evolution list, which will remove the marked objects from the evolution job (those objects with the ‘Evolved’ and ‘In Progress’ status, cannot be removed from the evolution process).

Note: Sometimes, the list of objects to evolve may show one object with a ‘failed’ state and with no possible way to access the detail of the related ingestion job. The reason is that errors were made during the preparation of the object for evolution.

Last updated

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