Data Analytics Reports
Containers Metadata
This report returns a list of all the containers in the platform, showing the populated container metadata fields individually in a collapsible option.
ID: container's ID
Name: container's full name
Archival Tree Path: location (full path described including sub-nodes)
Container Metadata Schema Name: full name of the schema assigned to the container
Actions: collapsible option to display the metadata information per container (only populated fields will be reported)
Containers over Quota
It lists all the containers whose content has exceeded the maximum allocated quota (if any is specified).
ID: container’s ID
Name: container’s full name
Archival Tree Path: location (full path described including sub-nodes)
Quota: maximum quota specified in that container
Total Size: total amount of content
Soft Deleted: yes or no
Containers summary
This report returns the details of all active containers in the platform. The fields included in this report are:
ID: container's ID
Name: container's full name
Archival Tree Path: location (full path described including sub-nodes)
Metadata Schema: objects metadata schema applied to the container
Workflow: applied workflow
Current Workflow Step: current step the container is in
Creator ID: ID of the user who created the container
Date Created: date of creation
Date Updated: date of last edited
Actions: shortcut to the container, opens in a new window
Details Container Inventory
A comprehensive list of all the containers that are taking space in the storage and detailing their availability.
ID: container's ID
Name: container's full name
Archival Tree Path: location (full path described including sub-nodes)
Status: current availability of the container. There are four different status:
AVAILABLE - container and its content can be accessed from the web interface or the API
SOFT-DELETED - container has been marked as deleted but it can still be restored
PURGING - container is been sent to be permanently deleted (cannot be reverted)
DELETED-PERMANENTLY - container and all its copies have been permanently deleted. This status only shows if the function has failed and a purged container has not been deleted properly (please notice that the inventory takes up to 48 hours to update, so this status might display if the reports are run shortly after deletion)
Storage (size/files): data size and number of files in the container
HOT current (size/files): size and files of the current versions in standard storage
HOT noncurrent (size/files): size and files of non-deleted past versions in standard storage
HOT deleted (size/files): size and number of soft-deleted files in standard storage
COLD current (size/files): size and files of the current versions in cold storage
COLD noncurrent (size/files): size and files of non-deleted past versions in cold storage
COLD deleted (size/files): size and number of soft-deleted files in standard storage
Effective Permissions Audit
This report analyses each container to assess the individual users and the level of access in three categories – admin, read, and write. For each container, the following information is given:
Group: name of the group the user belongs to. The report takes each user individually, even if the permissions were assigned by group (in which case, each member of the group will be displayed in the report)
User ID: the ID related to the user, assigned by the platform
User Name: user’s registered name
User Email: user’s registered email
Permission Type: explicit (if assigned by hand) or inherit (if taken from parent node)
File Formats/Risk
This report analyses every active container in the platform for a preliminary health check of the formats. Even containers with no problematic formats will be reported (with a total of 0 in their value fields).
ID: container’s ID
Name: container’s name the files are allocated into
Number of files with risk: quantity of affected files
Volume of files at risk: size of total affected files
Number of files unknown: quantity of affected files
Volume of files unknown: size of affected files
Files with Viruses
A complete list of all the infected files present in the platform.
Container: name of the container holding the file
Filename: complete name and extension of the file
Relative Path: folder (if any), name, and file extension
Threat: name of the identified threat
Threat Details: further analysis of the threat (if identified by the system)
Size: total size of the infected file
Actions: shortcut to the file scanned, opens in a new window
Report to obtain all the hashes from all the files in the platform.
Container: location of the file
Relative Path: it shows the folders and file name, as well as the extension
Hash: algorithms available are adler32, etag, md5, and sha1
Size: of the scanned file
Actions: shortcut to the scanned file, opens in a new window
Objects Published in OpenAccess
All the files and folders which are currently published in OpenAccess through the Transfer Connector. Note: if the record is manually unpublished/deleted from OpenAccess, the record status will not be updated on this report.
Container: name of container where the record is stored
Filename: title of the record
Relative Path: of the published object
Type: whether it is a file or a folder
Container Status: availability of the container the record is stored in
OpenAccess Link: direct link to the published object in OpenAccess
Actions: shortcut to the record within the platform, opens in a new window
Publicly Shared Containers
This report returns a list of all the containers whose content has been shared in their totality by checking the top left box in the Shared container tab.
ID: container’s ID
Name: shared container’s name
Description: related to the shared container
Archival Tree Path: location (full path described including sub-nodes)
Actions: shortcut to the shared container, opens in a new window
Security Audit
A complete log of all the actions and parameters executed in the platform, by all the users in all the containers, files, and archival structures.
Timestamp: date and time (UTC) when the action was performed
IP: of the user performing the action
Action_type: area or unit where the action is being performed (i.e., archival structure, container, file, login, configuration)
URI: this column provides information on
Method: where from this action was performed (web interface - WI- or API), and how (command used, more information here)
URL: location of the performed action (i.e., /configuration/archival structure/45/edit)
Extra: breakdown of the action executed, in code format
User: name of the user who ran the action
Storage Policy per Container
Break-down of the storage policy per container.
ID: container’s ID
Name: full name of the container
Storage Provider: commercial name of the provider
Bucket: name of the bucket the container is stored at
Region: location of the specific bucket (more information here)
Replica: status of replication among buckets
Audit Direct Period: frequency of scheduled direct audits
Audit Indirect Period: availability of AWS logs (in days)
Storage Use per Archival Node
It indicates the type of storage per node or sub-node.
ID: node or sub-node’s ID
Name: of the relevant archival structure, with code
Standard: total size in hot storage
Glacier Deep Archive: total size in cold storage
Actions: shortcut to the archival structure selected and its containers, opens in a new window
Storage Use per Container
The report looks at each container and the amount of data that is stored in the different tiers offered by the storage solution selected.
Container: full name of the container analysed
Storage: type of storage solution
Standard: size in hot storage
Intelligent-Tiering: size in flexible storage
Glacier Deep Archive: size in cold storage
One Zone-Infrequent Access: size in warm storage
Actions: shortcut to the selected container, opens in a new window
Used Space by Archival Structure
The report shows results by each archival structure in the tree, that is nodes and the sub-nodes separately. Each sub-structure appears collapsed under the parent node, though their numbers don’t add up to the structure in the root. Please note that this information is pulled from the AWS repository, so the results are not generated in real time (there can be a delay of two days).
ID: node’s id
Name: full name and code of the node
Containers in this node: number of containers in that specific node
Used space in this node: total space of containers in that specific node
Total containers: number of total containers, including deleted ones
Total used space: total space used by containers, including deleted ones
Used Space by Containers
Space usage summary of all the containers, including detailed information on the class of storage used, the versioning, and the soft-deleted items.
ID: container’s ID
Name: container’s name
Archive Tree Path: location (full path described including sub-nodes)
Soft Deleted: showing yes or no results
Total Size: of the above count of files and folders stored in both hot and cold
Total Files/Folders: total count of all the records (folders + files) in that container stored in both hot and cold
Storage information (HOT - COLD)
Total Size: of the files (including old versions and soft-deleted) stored in the specified storage class
Total Files: number of total files (including old versions and soft-deleted) stored in the specified storage class
Current (Size/Total): size/number of all accessible files in a container in the specified storage class
Old Version (Size/Total): size/number of all the old versions in a container in the specified storage class
Deleted (Size/Total): size/number of all the soft-deleted files in a contanier in the specified storage class
List of all the users registered on the platform and their permissions in terms of menu access. No container access is shown in this report.
ID: the ID related to the user, assigned by the platform
Name: user’s registered name
Email: user’s registered email
Auth Type: authentication method used (local by password or identifier by SSO)
2FA (TOTP): enabled (green) or disabled (red)
Groups: all the groups the user is assigned into
Last_login: date and time of the last login (UTC)
Permissions: a list of all the permissions at platform level, showing in green those active, and in red those restricted to the user
Last updated