Other Representation Information

A type of Representation Information which cannot easily be classified as Structure Representation Information or Semantic Representation Information. It is a type of Information Object.

Examples of Other Representation Information include software, algorithms, encryption, written instructions and many other things may be needed to understand the Data Object in ways exemplified by the Preservation Objectives, all of which therefore would be, by definition, Representation Information, yet would not obviously be either Structure Representation Information or Semantic Representation. Information defining how the Structure Representation Information and the Semantic Representation Information relate to each other, or software needed to process a database file would also be regarded as Other Representation Information.

More specific, but not exhaustive, list is:

  • Access Software

  • Algorithms

  • Computer Hardware

    • BIOS

    • CPU

    • Graphics

    • Disk Controller

    • Interfaces

    • Network

  • Media detils

  • Physical objects

  • Processing Software

  • Representation Rendering Software

  • Software as

    • Binary files

    • Design data

    • Documentation

    • Source code

More details of software are provided next.

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