Filtering jobs

Filtering jobs by Container, Date (range), User, Status, and Result allows you to quickly narrow down and organize tasks in a pipeline.

  • Container: Filters jobs based on specific environments or containers where they are executed.

  • Date (range): Limits the jobs shown to a specific time period.

  • User: Shows jobs initiated by a particular user.

  • Status: Filters by the current job state, such as running, completed, or failed.

  • Result: Narrows results based on job success, failure, or other outcomes.

This enhances task tracking and monitoring efficiency.

Making decisions with pipelines involves using conditional logic to control the flow of tasks based on specific criteria or outcomes.

These decisions can include branching to different steps depending on data quality checks, job results, or the availability of resources.

For instance, if a data validation step fails, the pipeline might branch into an error-handling process, or if a task completes successfully, it moves to the next stage.

Decision-making ensures flexibility, efficiency, and error handling in automating complex workflows.

Notifications via email in pipelines are used to keep users informed about the progress and status of jobs or tasks.

Last updated