Steps required to mirror the content on the platform
The platform supports and automates this process so that the client can obtain the benefits immediately or similarly.
You can set up your mirroring with different vendors. The platform supports the following storage types: AWS S3 Standard and Google Cloud Storage Standard.
Mirror destinations
The platform lets us configure different destinations (vendor/location).
Mirror Policies
You can set up your own policies, metadata and hierarchy.
Mirroring activation
This is the main metadata descriptor that determines which content is eligible for mirroring. This metadata descriptor must exist in all metadata schemas that are to be applied to objects that can be mirrored.
In all metadata schemas, this descriptor must have the same IECODE, and the descriptor must be of type Boolean in all of them.
When it is set to true the replication is activated, using the policy determined by the metadata fields.
Metadata for mirroring policies
These metadata descriptors are used to decide the destination of each file or folder in the mirrors. Depending on the values found in these descriptors for each file or folder, it will be possible to determine in which storage providers the content will be mirrored. These metadata descriptors must exist in all metadata schemas that are to be applied to objects that can be mirrored.
The Mirroring module works by selecting the items to be mirrored based on their metadata. This can be done by selecting the items from the container level downwards (folder mode) or from the item level up to the container root folder (file mode).
Folder mode
Almost every time you will want to use the Folder mode, that starts parsing folders from the root of the container, determining for each of them, if they need to be mirrored. Once a folder is identified for mirroring, the folder and all its contents (regardless of any child folder policy) are mirrored.
File mode
File mode starts with the last child and goes upwards, detecting if an item needs to be mirrored or not.
The policies allow us to mirror several destinations depending on a combination of metadata. In the example below, BSPL stands for bitstream_preservation_level and CSO for Cold Storage Only.
As a result, we will see something like this when adding a mirror destination:
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